Bilateral and Multilateral Co-operation on Competition Matters: Speaking Notes

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Dominique Burlone


Canada is a strong supporter of international competition law and policy co-operation. Free Trade Agreements have brought Canada opportunities in terms of firms becoming more efficient through greater economies of scale, concentrating on specific markets or forming strategic alliances. Increased trade has also brought us increased risks in terms of firms colluding on a North American scale to fix prices, sharemarkets, etc.

During the 1990's there has been an escalation in the number of multinational conspiracies and mergers involving more that one jurisdiction. It is clear that a high degree of co-operation among antitrust agencies is ncessary for effective competition law administration and enforcement.

A greater enforcement co-operation is essential in helping to ensure that private anti-competitive business practices do not replace the tariff and non-tariff barriers that have been reduced through the successive rounds of multilateral trade liberalization efforts and through bilateral agreements. The author expects the same will be true for a potential Free trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement.

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