The paper's use of the word 'assessment' relates to the routine academic exercise whereby student work of differing quality is awarded a different letter grade. The paper argues that the system currently in use at much of the UWI, and the Social Sciences Faculty in particular, is outmoded. Given the inherent deficiences in the present system, the paper argues for the introduction of a more quality-sensitive marking scheme similar to what is practiced in many North American colleges and universities. Four possible alternatives are discussed and the implications for the awarding of degrees of different classification outlined. Whilst University-wide proposals are not offered, it is certainly implied that much of the recommendations suggested for the Social Science Faculty do have wider applicability. A by-product of any of the suggested reforms, once implemented, is thought to be the widening of opportunities for interaction with the UWI's North American counterparts, specifically the attraction of more visiting students to the Faculty's varied programmes.